Posts tagged chia seeds
Top 10 Fiber Sources and How to GET IT IN.

I want you guys to challenge yourself to eat at LEAST 25 g of fiber/day. But if we're being honest, I'd kinda like you to shoot for 30-40g. It'll take some getting used to, so here's a little guide to get you started. I think the easiest way to do this is to get 10g fiber/meal if you're eating 3 meals/day. Add a few of these to your grocery list this week, and see your fiber intake increase pretty effortlessly.

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Just a Small Rant - Why I Hate Cheat Meals

What I hate about the cheat meal is that it labels the meal as something naughty, like something you shouldn't be doing, and THAT creates the idea in our head that food choices are all or nothing. This is why I preach eating PHFF so obnoxiously and probably mention it in every single post. It's so important, but it's also SO DOABLE. If you're always including a protein source, a healthy fat or two, and you squeeze some fiber into every meal, you are doing something positive for your body.

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