Posts tagged slow cooker chicken
My 15 Favorite Healthy Tailgate Recipes

I rounded up my favorite healthy tailgate recipes from around the web. Bring a dish so you've got options, and then fill your plate with proteins (like wings and burgers) and fatty dips like guacamole + veggies. The carby chips, bread, and brownies are what's gonna spike your blood sugar and make you overeat!

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10 Tips for College Students Who Wanna Be Semi-Healthy

College and Health- not really two words you hear in the same sentence a lot? Being healthy in college (or even semi-healthy) isn't easy, but it's not totally your fault. It's hard to get sleep you need when you're in school, you can't afford anything remotely organic, dining hall food is pretty tough to navigate, there's not a whole lot of time for cooking real food, and booze. So. Much. Booze.

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