5-Second Hot Sour Egg Drop Soup

Hot Sour Egg Drop Soup

Andy made this for me the other night when I had a tooth ache and it’s THE BEST SOUP I’VE EVER HAD. I ate, like, 8 cups of it and was so bloated from all the sodium the next day I had to take a diuretic. Promise it’s worth it, though?

This soup has more ingredients than normal for me, but it’s super quick. You basically just dump every Asian condiment you have in your fridge into a boiling pot of broth and add some eggs. Cool, huh?

This recipe is exactly as it sounds - it just combines hot sauce soup with egg drop soup. I’ll go ahead and take my medal for this now, thx.

Now, there is an “Andy” version and a “Megan” version of this Hot Sour Egg Drop Soup. Andy’s version is indeed “better” than mine because he spent a half hour on it and I spent 5 seconds. Mine is still really good, though.

I’ll give you both and let you decide how lazy you really are.

Let’s break down the PHFF stats.

PROTEIN: eggs - I also like to add a scoop of collagen peptides and/or bone broth.

HEALTHY FAT: egg yolk and sesame oil

FIBER: nil - but you could totally add a few big handfuls of spinach, kale, or arugula. This would be REALLY good!

quick egg drop soup

5-Second Hot Sour Egg Drop Soup

Author: Megan Kober, RDN, LD

Time: 5 seconds (lol like 5-10 min)


  • 3 c chicken broth

  • 3 c water

  • 1 onion, chopped (optional - see notes)

  • 3 Tbsp liquid aminos or soy sauce

  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice

  • 1 Tbsp rice wine vinegar

  • 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

  • 2 Tbsp garlic-chili paste (like Sambal)

  • 2 tsp fish sauce

  • 1 tsp sesame oil

  • 1 tsp chopped garlic

  • 1 tsp sesame seeds

  • 4 eggs, scrambled

  • green onions


  1. If you’re being fancy, heat some butter and oil over medium high heat in a saucepan and sautee onion and garlic until translucent (I didn’t do this, Andy did).

  2. Pour water and broth into pan and bring to a boil. Add other ingredients except eggs and green onions and let simmer a few minutes to let flavors develop (the longer the better, probably).

  3. Crack eggs into the pan and whisk quickly. You can also dirty another dish and whisk them there, then slowly drizzle in (which is what you’re supposed to do but oh well I never do).

  4. Taste and adjust seasonings! I also like to add a little garlic powder, maybe onion powder. The world is your oyster here. Sprinkle with green onions.

Notes: Andy also added the zest of 1/2 lemon. To bump up protein, add a couple scoops of Perfect Supplements Bone Broth or Collagen Peptides.

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